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PFAS Summit

Princeton University
The Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
Summit on PFAS in Biosolids and Soils

April 12, 2024

Friend Center, Convocation Room


The regulatory framework around per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is rapidly evolving in response to concerns about the public and environmental health issues they pose. As a consequence, utilities and industry are faced with important questions and challenging decisions to make about how they will manage PFAS in treatment and waste streams over the coming years.

This one-day summit brings together industry, faculty, and researchers at the forefront of PFAS work, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials coordinating the Nation’s research support in this area, industry experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to address the environmental and public health implications of PFAS. The focus will be on identifying problems related to PFAS in water and wastewater effluent, biosolids, and solids, exploring global solutions, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, understanding the changing regulatory landscape, and charting a path forward for sustainable solids and biosolids management.

Technical sessions will cover regulatory frameworks and stakeholder perspectives on biosolids management, land application challenges, and global solutions for PFAS elimination. Breakout workshop sessions on actionable strategies for testing, scaling up, and implementing PFAS elimination solutions will conclude the day, with the goal of summarizing key points for practitioners and researchers around regulatory implications, scale‐up of destruction technologies, PFAS pathways from biosolids to crop uptake, and management of land contaminated with biosolids.


Registration and Networking

7:30 am – 8:00 am

Welcome Remarks

8:00 am – 8:20 am

  • Iain McCulloch – Director, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment; Gerhard R. Andlinger Professor in Energy and the Environment; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton University
  • Angela Maria Fasnacht – Gerhard R. Andlinger Visiting Fellow, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton University
  • Peter JafféWilliam L. Knapp ’47 Professor of Civil Engineering; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University
  • Ramesh Rengarajan Operating Partner, EagleTree Capital, Visiting Researcher, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University

Keynote Speaker

8:20 am – 8:50 am

  • John WarnerPresident and CEO, The Technology Greenhouse

Panel Discussion – Overview Regulatory Landscape

9:00 am – 10:00 am

  • Ashley Voskuhl (Moderator) – Senior Policy Analyst, Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
  • Matthew KlasenPFAS Council Manager, Environmental Protection Agency
  • David HaymesAssistant Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
  • Sandeep BurmanManager, Drinking Water Protection, Minnesota Department of Health
  • Stephanie Kammer – Emerging Pollutants Section Manager, Water Resources Division, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
  • Rebecca Sadosky – Chief, Public Water Supply Section, Division of Water Resources, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality


10:00 am – 10:30 am

Panel Discussion – Stakeholder Perspectives Utilities

10:30 am – 11:40 am

  • Robert Powelson (Moderator) – President and Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Water Companies
  • Lynda DiMennaChief Environmental and Safety Officer, American Water
  • Chris CrockettChief Environmental Officer, Aqua America
  • Carol WalczykVice President, Veolia North America
  • Amanda WegnerCommunications & Public Affairs Director, Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District

Panel Discussion – Fate and Disposal on Spent Media Used for PFAS Removal

11:40 am – 12:40 pm

  • Julia Anastasio (Moderator) – Executive Director and General Counsel, Association of Clean Water Administrators
  • Larry GottliebPresident, ResinTech, Inc.
  • Francis Boodoo – Director of Applied Technologies, Purolite Corporation
  • Julie Nemeth-HarnVice President, Komline-Harn
  • John Lombardo – Product Manager, Xylem

Lunch  / Keynote Speaker

12:40 pm – 1:45 pm

  • Peter Jaffé, William L. Knapp ’47 Professor of Civil Engineering; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University

Panel Discussion – Exploring Global Solutions for PFAS Elimination

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

  • Rengarajan Ramesh (Moderator) – Operating Partner, EagleTree Capital
  • Orren Schneider – Chief Science Officer, Aclarity, Inc.
  • Daniel ChoCEO and Founder, Onvector
  • Kobe NagarCo-founder and Chairman, 374Water
  • Christopher Sales – Associate Professor, C. & J. Nyheim Plasma Institute, Drexel University
  • Charles Schaefer – Principal, CDM Smith


3:30 pm – 3:50 pm

Collaborative Workshop – Creating Actionable Strategies to Help Test, Scale Up, and Launch Elimination Solutions

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Regulatory Implications (CERCLA classification discussion, land application, incineration, options)
  • Emily Remmel (Moderator) – Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs, National Association of Clean Water Agencies
  • Emily Mayo (Student Annotator) – Graduate Student, Princeton University
Scale up of destruction technologies (pathway, funding, protocols, permits) Group 1
  • Andy Kricun (Moderator) – Managing Director, Moonshot Missions
  • Chiara Smorada (Student Annotator) – Graduate Student, Princeton University
Scale up of destruction technologies (pathway, funding, protocols, permits) Group 2
  • Christopher Komline (Moderator) – Vice President, Business Development, Komline-Sanderson
  • Ouriel Ndalamba (Student Annotator) – Graduate Student, Princeton University
Pathway of PFAS from biosolids to crop uptake (handling protocol)
  • Jim Ippolito (Moderator) – Professor, The Ohio State University
  • Matthew Sima (Student Annotator) – Graduate Student, Princeton University
Management of land contaminated with biosolids
  • Hui Li (Moderator) – Professor of Environmental and Soil Chemistry, Michigan State University
  • Gracyn Reynolds (Student Annotator) – Graduate Student, Princeton University
Decentralize communities/small communities
  • George Hawkins (Moderator) – Founder and CEO, Moonshot Missions
  • Aaron Leininger (Student Annotator) – Graduate Student, Princeton University

Breakout Sessions Summary Reports

5:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Closing Remarks

5:30 pm – 6:00 pm

  • Angela Maria Fasnacht – Gerhard R. Andlinger Visiting Fellow, Andlinger Center for the Energy and the Environment, Princeton University

Reception and Poster Session (Maeder Hall Auditorium Lobby, 92 Olden Street)

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Contributions to and/or sponsorship of any event does not constitute departmental or institutional endorsement of the specific program, speakers or views presented.

Headshot of Angela Fasnacht

Angela Maria Fasnacht

Host and Gerhard R. Andlinger Visiting Fellow at the Andlinger Center for the Energy and the Environment
Headshot of Peter Jaffe

Peter R. Jaffé

Host and William L. Knapp ’47 Professor of Civil Engineering; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Headshot of Peter Jaffe

John Warner

Keynote Speaker and President and CEO, The Technology Greenhouse