Princeton E-ffiliates Partnership (E-ffiliates) requests cross-disciplinary proposals in the areas of energy and the environment with a focus on technological innovation. An individual or team, led by a Princeton researcher as the Principal Investigator (PI), is invited to submit a proposal with a budget up to $150,000 for a one-year project, with a target start date of January 1, 2020. Up to two projects will be supported during this cycle. Funding for this annual award is made possible through member company contributions to E-ffiliates.
Consideration will be given to proposals that are responsive to the following topics within energy and environment:
- Energy efficiency / utilities of the future
- Power storage / power generation and supply / clean hydrogen
- Water – energy nexus
- Regulatory and policy barriers in implementing decarbonization pathways
- Digitalization / AI / machine learning in energy sector (smart grid, smart inverters)
- Biofuels
Research proposals are encouraged to consider novel combinations of technological advances, economic analyses, behavioral studies, and policy measures to achieve their objectives. Proposals will be evaluated based on intellectual merit, relevance to the key topic areas, potential impact in the energy and environmental fields, and life cycle of technological innovation (if applicable).
To submit a proposal for consideration, send the following to by Monday, September 9, 2019:
- Proposal cover page includes the lead PI, all team members (names and affiliations), project title, project abstract, and total budget requested. No proprietary information should be included in the abstract.
- The cover page also includes a statement on relevance, impact, and technology life cycle: Describe the relevance of your proposal to the stated topics, the impact of the proposed innovation if brought successfully to scale, and the life cycle of the technological innovation (if applicable). This statement must be written for non-specialists. No proprietary information should be included in this section.
- Scientific/technical narrative: Â A description of no more than three pages (single-spaced, 12-point font, including tables and figures, but not including references) that describes the project and addresses the intellectual merit.
- Brief biographies of all team members
- Budget page with justification: Â Allowable expenses include, but are not limited to, student stipends and postdoctoral salaries, program-related travel, funds to execute events (e.g., roundtables to bring together experts for policy analyses), publication costs, laboratory equipment, faculty summer salary, and materials and supplies associated with the project;
- Current and pending support: Â Include for all team members, along with a brief statement on any overlap of this project with existing funded research directions.
The awardee will be asked to present highlights of the project at a future E-ffiliates Advisory Committee meeting or similar ACEE events.
Incomplete applications will be returned without consideration.
Faculty members who have received support in the past from E-ffiliates may submit a proposal, provided that final reports are up-to-date. However, preference will be given to new applicants over past awardees.
Download the proposal cover page here: Form PDF