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Internship Opportunities and Student Research Funding

Undergraduate Summer Internship Opportunities

At the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, students have the opportunity to augment their academic work through summer internships performing research with faculty in the Center’s state-of-the-art laboratories or working with non-profit entities outside Princeton University. Summer funding may also be requested for student-initiated research projects related to the Center’s mission.

Summer 2024 Internships

The Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment (ACEE) invites Princeton undergraduates (first-years, sophomores, juniors) to apply for paid summer internships related to the center’s mission of finding solutions to secure our energy and environmental future. Funding will be provided for 1) energy-related research projects performed under the direction of faculty, or 2) work at non-profit organizations outside the university. If selected, students receive a $600/week stipend for eight to ten weeks of summer research. Alternatively, a student may self-initiate a project with a faculty member of their choice.

Application instructions and a link to the Student Activities Funding Engine (SAFE) will be available on the summer 2024 internship opportunity page. Applications open in SAFE on November 20, 2023. The final deadline for submitting applications is January 8, 2024. Students on a leave of absence for the 2023-2024 academic year are ineligible to apply for Andlinger Center Summer 2024 Internships.

Summer internships are funded by the Peter B. Lewis Fund for Student Innovation in Energy and the Environment and the Dede T. Bartlett P03 Fund for Student Research in Energy and the Environment.

Projects from past years may be viewed here: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 20192018201720162015201420132012, and 2011.

undergraduate student funding at the andlinger center for energy and the environment

Support for Other Projects and Activities

The Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment (ACEE) welcomes proposals for undergraduate student group and individual projects in areas related to energy and the environment. Applications may be submitted through the Student Activities Funding Engine (SAFE) and must include a detailed proposal including travel plans if applicable, a budget, a letter of recommendation from the faculty advisor for the project, names of group leaders (if applying for group funding), and student transcript(s). Proposals should be no more than two pages and clearly identify the applicability to ACEE’s mission of providing solutions to energy- and environment-related challenges. Students from all university departments are welcome to apply.