Date: November 4, 2019
Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Location: 300 Wallace Hall, Princeton University
The David Bradford Energy and Environmental Policy Seminar Series presents
“Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition: On the Co-Evolution of Policy and Technology”
Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment (C-PREE) – The David Bradford Energy and Environmental Policy Seminar Series presents “Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition: On the Co-Evolution of Policy and Technology” with Tobias Schmidt, Assistant Professor of Energy Politics, Head to the Energy Politics Group, ETH Zurich.
Tobias Schmidt is Assistant Professor of Energy Politics and the head of the Energy Politics Group at ETH Zurich. In his research, which is published in leading international journals, he analyzes the interaction of energy policy and its underlying politics with technological change in the energy sector. His research covers both developed and developing countries and includes the aspect of energy finance. His team is comprised of engineers, economists and political scientists. Tobias holds a BSc and MSc in electrical engineering (energy focus) from TU Munich and a PhD from ETH Zurich in management, technology, and economics. During his postdoc, he spent time as a visiting scholar at Stanford University’s Precourt Energy Efficiency Center (PEEC) and acted as consultant to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) working on UNDP’s De-risking Renewable Energy Investment (DREI) project. In his leisure he enjoys ski-touring (winter), hiking and catamaran sailing (summer), as well as singing in a choir (all year round). He has been rooting for the soccer club FC Bayern Muenchen for more than 25 years.
The David Bradford Energy and Environmental Policy Seminar Series: is sponsored by the Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, and Princeton Environmental Institute Audience.
These lunch-time seminars take place from 12:15 -1:15 pm in 300 Wallace Hall, with lunch starting at 12:00 noon. Attendance is open to Princeton students, faculty and staff without rsvp. All others wishing to attend please contact ccrosby@princeton.edu for approval.
11/04/2019 12:15 PM
11/04/2019 1:15 PM
David Bradford Energy and Environmental Policy Seminar Series: Tobias Schmidt
Tobias Schmidt, Assistant Professor of Energy Politics, Head to the Energy Politics Group, ETH Zurich, will speak on“Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition: On the Co-Evolution of Policy and Technology”.
300 Wallace Hall