Date: July 2, 2018
Time: 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: 103 Maeder Hall
Stefano Campanari, professor at the Department of Energy at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, will speak on the topic of “Power-to-Gas and Long-Term Integration of Electric and Natural Gas Grids with Clean Mobility” on Monday July 2 in 103 Maeder Hall.
The presentation will discuss an ongoing research project dedicated to the integration of the Power-to-Gas (P2G) technology in high renewable energy networks, considering the interweaving relationship with power generation, clean mobility (electricity- and hydrogen-based) and interactions with the natural gas infrastructure. Part of the project is dedicated to the investigation of the long-term potential of P2G at macro-system level, e.g. at country or regional scale. The technical analysis is developed for Italy, also in comparison with Germany, evidencing the effects of a predominant deployment of solar PV or wind energy and the plausible outlook of P2G deployment vs. other types of energy storage options. The analysis is based on active-power-flow simulations, setting up a multi-nodal representations of the countries that take into account constraints on power transmission, macro-regional distribution of energy loads and renewable generator deployment, according to different scenarios for the evolution of power sector and light-duty mobility. Scenarios are designed to support the EU target of a substantial overall decarbonization (-80% GHG emissions by 2050). The research also addresses the comparison of electrical and hydrogen-based transportation for uses other than light vehicles, specially focusing on freight transport.
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D. in Energy Sciences, since 2006 is associate professor of “Energy and Environmental Systems” at the Department of Energy, School of Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano. Prof. Campanari’s main research activities are dedicated to clean power generation with fuel cell-based power cycles, their application to CO2 capture, electrochemical and thermal modeling of fuel cells and electrolyzers, modeling of hydrogen production processes, simulation and optimized management of multi-energy systems for distributed applications and integration of renewable sources. In the field of energy and environmental balances of hydrogen production technologies he develops research on power-to-gas, mobile applications and simulation of fuel cell vehicles.
Author of over 150 publications in national or international journals and congresses, three books and two patents related to the research activity, he is responsible of the Laboratory of Micro-Cogeneration (LMC) of Politecnico di Milano. He has been Session organizer and Session Chair at ASME – IGTI Turbo Expo Congress from 2006 to 2014; member of the Editorial Board of the journal ‘Applied Energy’ (Elsevier), member of the Scientific committee, session organizer and session Chair at the Int. Conf. on Applied Energy, ICAE 2012 to 2017. Responsible of research unit within 3 European projects (FP7 and Horizon2020) and several national and industrial projects related to fuel cells, hydrogen production and distributed generation. He has been recognized for six “Best paper awards” at ASME Int. Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress (Turbo Expo).