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Princeton E-ffiliates Partnership

Save the Date

This year’s Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 29, will explore how we can harness the power of AI to make rapid progress in global decarbonization efforts and navigate the risks that AI will create for achieving a clean and just energy future.

Participation in E-ffiliates lowers the barriers for collaboration between corporate and non-profit members and the Princeton research community, helping identify the most pressing energy and environment problems in order to develop and scale solutions. A successful energy systems transition in the face of climate change calls for a response of unprecedented speed and scope and a dismantling of historic silos. Truly multidisciplinary research can guide technology, policy, business, and beyond, but it must be informed by realities on the ground. E-ffiliates responds to this need by facilitating collaborative research, information exchange, and partnerships between stakeholders across the energy value chain, matching members with strategic opportunities.

membership structure and benefits

E-ffiliates delivers unique value through tailored research projects, exclusive meetings, and high-impact conferences. The program is administered by the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment. Organizations can join at one of three levels:

  • Affiliate membership plugs you into our events and information
  • General membership includes sponsored research and a voice in program priorities
  • Charter membership allows for closer and deeper collaboration with Princeton and a menu of special benefits


  • Navigation across university-wide opportunities and connections to faculty across campus
  • Close interaction with other decision-makers across value chain
  • Sharing pre-competitive challenges between companies and input into focus areas of center
  • Early awareness of center opportunities, including project partnerships and cost sharing
  • Priority status at center events
  • Leveraging joint industry/university/government research funds to reduce risk in strategic areas
  • Facilitated student recruiting
  • Practical, fundamental approach to solutions for complex global issues
  • Market insight, risk reduction, and new business opportunities
A crowd of over 50 people pose outside in a courtyard
E-ffiliates Retreat 2024


  • MEMBERS: Connect with E-ffiliates from diverse industrial sectors.
  • EVENTS: Engage at the Annual Meeting, E-ffiliates Retreat, and quarterly Tech Talks.
  • RESEARCH: Collaborate between members and Princeton’s world-class labs/research groups.
  • IMPACT: Access the Net-Zero America project and Andlinger Center Annual Reports.


  • Energy systems analysis at regional and national scales for investment and policy decisions
  • Energy storage technologies for transportation and grid-scale applications
  • Climate science and risk analysis to inform engineering and investment choices
  • Biological routes to fuels and chemicals emphasizing carbon utilization and renewable feedstocks
  • Techno-economic analysis of externalities of energy infrastructure conversion including employment, health, and pollution
  • Urban environmental sensing for air quality monitoring, pollutant source tracking, and urban planning
  • Cement materials science for next-generation cement materials, processing, and carbon capture
  • Soft matter physics for new materials to manage energy flows in devices and manufacturing
  • Water/energy nexus with a focus on energy-efficient treatment and resource recovery
  • Subsurface biogeochemistry for applications in environmental remediation and engineering
  • Power electronics to enable high-efficiency power conversions and complex grid-edge applications
  • Building science and architectural approaches to advanced building materials and energy systems
  • Low-temperature plasma science for electrified manufacturing and recycling

Join E-ffiliates

Contact Vivian F. Fuhrman, Assistant Director for External Partnerships at the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, for more information about how a membership plan can be tailored for your company or organization:

Tel: (609) 258-2305
Address: Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
86 Olden Street
Room 126
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544

read our brochure

updated Septermber 2024

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