E-ffiliates Retreat 2021
Making the Rapid Switch to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions
Princeton E-ffiliates Partnership Retreat
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Virtual over Zoom
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET
The eighth annual Princeton E-ffiliates Partnership Retreat, Making the Rapid Switch to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions, will explore the application of the Rapid Switch framework to understanding opportunities and challenges to rapidly reducing global emissions to net-zero. Three panels, featuring speakers from industry, academia, and non-profits, will explore the feasibility of accomplishing a transition to net-zero globally, considering diverse constraints and contexts. The conversations will build on findings from Princeton’s Net-Zero America study released in December, 2020. The study describes five distinct technological pathways for the U.S. to become a net-zero emitter of greenhouse gases by 2050. It quantifies challenges and opportunities at state and sub-state levels, including land use, employment, air pollution-related health, capital mobilization, incumbent fossil fuel businesses and new clean energy industries. Panelists will contrast the methods, limitations and value of different transition modeling approaches. They will delve into the challenges in executing a transition to net-zero emissions and offer key stakeholder perspectives on the viability, requirements, and perceived impacts. The goal of the event is to collaboratively engage federal and state policymakers, private industry, and non-governmental organizations on the net-zero challenge. In doing so, we aim to to inform policy, future research initiatives worldwide, and ultimately accelerate action to realize a future in which greenhouse gas emissions are effectively managed globally.