Michael A. Webb
Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
A325 Engineering Quad A-Wing
Utilization of theory, simulation, and data science to characterize, understand, and guide the design of novel soft materials for health and sustainability applications; interests are motivated by the use of both natural and synthetic polymers in technologies like batteries, fuel cells, water treatment, tissue engineering, and drug-delivery

Elke U. Weber
Gerhard R. Andlinger Professor in Energy and the Environment
Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Associate Director for Education, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
Andlinger Center Executive Committee
86 Olden Street
Questions at the intersection of psychology, economics, engineering, and policy that address the importance and role of descriptive/behavioral models of judgment and decision-making under risk and uncertainty and for decisions with long time horizons in environmental and energy-related decision making and policy. Psychologically appropriate ways to measure and model individual, group, or cultural differences in risk taking and time discounting across domains.

David Wentzlaff
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
B228 Engineering Quad B-Wing

Claire White
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
Andlinger Center Executive Committee
E326 Engineering Quad E-Wing
Sustainable cements and related engineering systems including alkali-activated materials, blended Portland cements, carbonate-based cements and influence of additives on cement-based materials. Research focus includes thermodynamics and kinetics of cement phases, chemical durability (e.g., carbonation and sulfate), pore structure and permeability, and non-destructive measurements of sub-micron processes, with a focus on combining experiments and simulation techniques.

David Wilcove
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Public Affairs and the High Meadows Environmental Institute
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
3-C-10 Green Hall

Gerard Wysocki
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B324 Engineering Quad B-Wing
Laser spectroscopic sensing for energy and environmental applications; environmental trace-gas sensor networks; active and passive remote atmospheric sensing

Wei Xiong
Hugh Leander and Mary Trumbull Adams Professor for the Study of Investment and Financial Markets
Professor of Economics
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
201 26 Prospect Avenue

Nan Yao
Professor of the Practice in the Princeton Institute for Science and Technology of Materials
Director, Imaging and Analysis Center
Senior Research Scholar at the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials
33 Andlinger Center
Utilizing advanced imaging, diffraction, spectroscopy and in-situ techniques, in tandem with theoretical simulations, to study fundamentals of the structure-composition-processing-property-performance relations in complex materials such as nanostructured materials, biomaterials, organic/inorganic interfaces, block copolymers, catalysts, quasicrystals and functional nanomaterials.

Ali Yazdani
Class of 1909 Professor of Physics
Director, Princeton Center for Complex Materials (PCCM)
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
384 Jadwin Hall
Fundamental studies of the origin of superconductivity, particularly in high-temperature cuprate superconductors, to aid search for materials that exhibit superconductivity at higher temperatures; study of topological quantum states in materials and their use for dissipation-less transport

Xinning Zhang
Assistant Professor of Geosciences and at the High Meadows Environmental Institute
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
M47 Guyot Hall