Sharad Malik
George Van Ness Lothrop Professor in Engineering
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
B224 Engineering Quad B-Wing

Christos Maravelias
Anderson Family Professor in Energy and the Environment
Chair, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Andlinger Center Executive Committee
226 Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
The goal of research in the group of Christos Maravelias is to develop theory, models, and solution algorithms for problems in the general area of Process Systems Engineering (PSE). Current projects include (1) chemical production scheduling, planning, and supply chain optimization; (2) chemical process synthesis; and (3) energy systems modeling, optimization, and analysis, with special emphasis on biomass-to-fuels/chemicals and solar fuel and power technologies.

Luigi Martinelli
Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
D302C Engineering Quad D-Wing
Sustainable aviation through advanced multidisciplinary design optimization of airframes and air traffic management systems; design optimization of ship hulls for maximum efficiency; aerodynamic design optimization of wind turbines, propellers, fans, compressors and turbines; computational fluid dynamics of compressible reactive flows

Margaret Martonosi
Hugh Trumbull Adams '35 Professor of Computer Science
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
204 Computer Science Building

Douglas Massey
Henry G. Bryant Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School
Director, Office of Population Research
Director, Program in Population Studies
239 Wallace Hall

William Massey
Edwin S. Wilsey Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering
206 Sherrerd Hall

Denise Mauzerall
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Public and International Affairs, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and CEE
Andlinger Center Executive Committee
E412 Engineering Quad E-Wing
Analysis of air quality and climate impacts of various energy technologies (coal, gas, solar, wind) with the goal of identifying options with maximum co-benefits. Analysis of China’s energy future and options for air quality, health, and climate co-benefits. Effect of nitrogen, ozone, and water on sustainable intensification of crop production. Measurement of methane leakage from older U.S. natural gas infrastructure

Forrest Meggers
Associate Professor of Architecture and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
Co-Director, Program in Architecture and Engineering
Co-Chair of Princeton Sustainability Committee
Andlinger Center Executive Committee
S03 Architecture Building / 215 Andlinger Center

Julia Mikhailova
Associate Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
D420 Engineering Quad
Attosecond science, high-harmonic and attosecond‐pulse generation and application. High-field physics, high-power lasers, relativistic laser‐plasma interaction, synchrotron‐type intense x‐ray radiation from solids, laser‐driven particle acceleration. Ultrafast and nonlinear optics, few-cycle optical pulse generation, optical parametric chirped pulse amplification, femtosecond laser filamentation, nonlinear fiber optics. Quantum optics, entanglement of quantum states, biphoton states in spontaneous parametric light scattering.

Richard Miles
Robert Porter Patterson Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Emeritus
TEES Distinguished Research Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University