Prateek Mittal
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
B326 Engineering Quad B-Wing
The design and development of privacy-preserving and secure systems, including the domains of (1) privacy-enhancing technologies such as anonymous communication and statistical data privacy, (2) adversarial machine learning, and (3) Internet/network security

Reza Moini
Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
E324 Engineering Quad

Richard Moss
Andlinger Center Non-Resident fellow
Senior scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Joint Global Change Research Institute, University of Maryland
Gerhard R. Andlinger Visiting Fellow in Energy and the Environment (2019-2020)
226 Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
Moss’s research focuses on the role of human agency and decision making in global environmental changes such as climate change. While at the Andlinger Center, Moss is working on coastal adaptation and resilience, focusing on decision support for development of time-dependent adaptation pathways. Moss is also researching the co-evolution of coupled human-natural systems and factors that facilitate or limit interdisciplinary scientific collaboration. He has published on climate scenarios, uncertainty characterization, and adaptation.

Michael Mueller
Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Associate Chair, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
D332 Engineering Quad, D-Wing
Predictive computational simulation and modeling of multi-physics turbulent flows. Integration of computational science, data science, and uncertainty quantification. High-performance algorithms for large-scale heterogeneous parallel computing. Application areas of interest include combustion energy conversion for electricity generation and transportation (including pollutant emissions and the environmental impacts of combustion), offshore wind energy, and fusion energy.

Guy Nordenson
Professor of Architecture and Structural Engineering
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
S113 Architecture Building

Nai Phuan Ong
Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
302 Jadwin Hall

Michael Oppenheimer
Director of the Center for Policy Research on Energy and Environment
Albert G. Milbank Professor of Geosciences, International Affairs, and the High Meadows Environmental Institute
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
3-C-13 Green Hall

Stephen Pacala
Frederick D. Petrie Professor Emeritus, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
103A Eno Hall

Athanassios Panagiotopoulos
Susan Dod Brown Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
A217 Engineering Quad A-Wing
Molecular modeling of phase behavior and transport properties of aqueous electrolytes which are of fundamental importance in understanding the long-term fate of CO2 injected in underground rock formations for carbon capture and storage; computational studies of molten carbonate fuel cells, which can be used for simultaneous electricity production and CO2 purification; liquid metals as plasma-facing components for fusion energy systems

Catherine Peters
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Director, Program in Geological Engineering
Andlinger Center Associated Faculty
E417A Engineering Quad E-Wing