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rapid switch: china

Rapid Switch China proposes a cross-disciplinary exploration of barriers and bottlenecks that stand in the way of the decarbonization efforts in China involving engineering, economics, policy, and other applied social and behavioral science. This effort seeks to expand and deepen understanding of viable decarbonization pathways in China, focusing on the distinctive challenges that China faces at this stage of its economic development.

China projects

The role of “natural” time scales in energy system transformations

How might we increase the viability rapid energy transitions through strategic planning of retirement schedules for incumbent energy infrastructure?

Sustainability implications of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

How might China’s Belt and Road Initiative impact the pace of environmental progress and decarbonization?

Regional Challenges

ECONOMY – China is projected to be have the world’s largest economy by 2050, with economic growth remaining a priority as it strives to continue to increase its GDP per capita. What bottlenecks might prevent China from achieving its economic development and decarbonization agendas?

ENERGY – China is likely to have the world’s largest deployment of intermittent renewable energy, nuclear power, and carbon capture and storage by mid-century. What are the technical, infrastructure, resource, and socio-economic barriers to realizing these aspirations?

COAL – What role does China’s coal sector play in the low-carbon transition overtime? What socio-economic consequences, including stranded assets, might emerge from any transition away from coal?

MANUFACTURING – What opportunities emerge in China in engineering and manufacturing to leverage the global trends towards low carbon infrastructure?

TIMEFRAME – What are realistic timeframes and pathways to decarbonization for China?

LEADERSHIP – What leadership role might China play in global decarbonization efforts?