Social norms in energy and environmental decision-making in India
Project Description
As India continues to grow in population and wealth, national consumption of goods and energy will increase, and norms around energy use and sustainable practices will have a significant local and global impact. Researchers are examining how people in India are influenced by common social practices and shared beliefs (referred to as “norms”) on energy and environmental behaviors. This project investigates how people decide to act regarding energy and the environment, and how the influence of peers within a community can be used in guiding decision-making among individuals and for the country as a whole. This work examines norms regarding energy use, water use, waste sorting, purchasing of goods and high-energy products, food choices, and more. The work maps these normative beliefs and practices that guide environmental decision-making. The researchers give particular attention to how fast-growing national trends impact one’s day-to-day environmental decisions, and explore how trends of energy efficiency and sustainable practices spread.
Rohini Majumdar, Gregg Sparkman; Elke Weber; Radhika Khosla